Disclaimer: I will not actually be eating witchetty grubs. I am not on Survivor. They are disgusting and, although I love food, nothing that looks like this should ever be considered food. 

July 9, 2009

Fitting My Entire Life Into Two 50 Lb. Bags

Packing. Arguably the hardest part of studying abroad. I have to fit my entire life into two teeny tiny suitcases that can't weigh more than 50 pounds each. Uh.. what? I'm going to be honest - I do not know how to pack "light". I haven't really told many people this, but coming to school freshman year I drove a Uhaul from New Jersey to Evanston... because I had so much stuff. Needless to say, I like having options when it comes to clothes/shoes/bags. So, when I found out that I could only bring 2 suitcases and shipping was out of the picture, I was faced with my first of many packing challenges: how to eliminate.

I began by eliminating things that I figured I could probably just buy there - blow-dryer, towels, linens, toiletries. But then I was informed by my mom that I could not, in fact, bring only clothes and shoes as I had planned. If I wanted to make any friends, I would need toiletries for the first few days. And, there was one toiletry she didn't think I'd be able to find in Sydney. See, I have a very specific mousse that I use on my hair when I leave it curly. It's the only stuff that works without making it sticky, crunchy, greasy, or frizzy. So Plan B: bring 5 bottles of mousse and travel sizes of everything else. Problem solved.

Oh if only packing were that easy... as soon as that problem was solved, I faced another, greater, challenge: what carry-on bag to bring. Laugh if you will but this is a serious question. As I said in my last post, I plan on doing some major adventure-ing while in Australia and my program recommended that we bring a backpack for weekend trips and bushwalks. I have not owned a backpack since I was 11 years old. But using a backpack is the best way to travel (supposedly rolling duffels aren't great in the outback... who knew?), so I was on a mission to find one. First, I had to figure out where to even go to buy a backpack. After many hours of searching, I discovered that Nordstrom and Bloomingdale's don't sell them. When I went to buy suitcases at a luggage store, however, I found an entire wall dedicated to the glorious travel companions. I picked out what I deemed the perfect trail backpack - and was immediately told "No". Apparently, thin salmon-colored Jansport backpacks are not exactly adventure backpacks. I thought the salmon color could help people find me if I get lost... and it was just really pretty. But, alas, the outback is not a fashion show, so I ended up buying a big, sturdy North Face overnight backpack. It can fit at least a week of clothes, my camera, water, snacks (obviously), a First Aid Kit (which will inevitably be needed), and it has a hook for a sleeping bag. My transformation into Master Explorer has begun.

1 comment:

  1. I totally just figured out how to comment. I love you.
