Disclaimer: I will not actually be eating witchetty grubs. I am not on Survivor. They are disgusting and, although I love food, nothing that looks like this should ever be considered food. 

August 28, 2009

I'm Alive

No need to phone the police (or the Royal Flying Doctor Service - that's the emergency service in the outback)! I am alive, I promise. Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I've been busy with uni work (I know, work?! what?!). And by work, I mean photographing Sydney, analyzing Hitchcock's Psycho, and writing an essay on what I think love is.

In other news, I finally saw the Opera House! I had been shopping at the Rocks and decided that it was time. I was expecting it to be nice, but I've always thought that people probably just talked it up and that it wasn't anything really special. But when you get near it and see it looming out of the harbour waters, it truly is breathtaking.

Coming soon: big post on my outback trip. Get excited - it was quite the adventure.

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